Ceramic Nail Drill: A Stunning Tool for Porcelain Stitching

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The ceramic nail drill is a vital tool used in the cosmetic industry in taking off gel polish neatly in the shortest possible time. It is also used in sharpening, grinding, neatening and carving the nails. Also, it is used in addition to the gel and acrylic in polishing and reshaping the nails while stimulating nail growth at home.

With the help of the ceramic nail drill bits, it is easier to take care of the nail plate, the sidewalls and the entire cuticle in a much safer and quicker manner.

The ceramic nail drill are available in a wide range of shapes and types.

Let’s look at them thus:

Drill bit – cone:

This specific shape is used for gently removing gel polish. It is also used in enhancing and smoothing out the coarse nail surface. The cone drill bit has sharp surface which makes it easier for removing any hard nail plate material as well as acrylic masses, camouflage gels, and building gels. They are also employed in the quick removal of UV gel polish. The good thing about this type is that it is safe and less likely to damage the skin as a result of insufficient creases.

Cone bell bit:

The cone bell bit has a small and pointed bit which makes it possible for the bit to access narrow and tight spaces. This type of ceramic nail drill bit is used for the nail sidewalls, the top of the nail and the cuticle as well.

Drill bit - barrel ball:

The smooth top of the barrel ball drill bit makes it easier for artificial nail removal or rebalancing. It is also used for removing excessive dead cells and hard skin too.

The gentle serration makes it a perfect tool for the removal of acrylic and gel enhancements and for refining and accessing the narrow and hard to reach edges.

Ceramic Nail Drill

Other types of ceramic nail drill include the following

UNDER NAIL CLEANER: which is used for removing the cuticle from the nail plate and for lifting and under nail cleaning.

The good thing about the drill bit is that it is resistant to acid, alkali and heat. Also special about this tool is its unrivalled precision and maximum durability.


The ceramic nail drill bit as a tool for porcelain stitching

However, in addition to the endless list of the many applications of the ceramic nail drill bits, they can also serve as stunning tools for porcelain stitching. What is porcelain stitching? If you’ve ever wondered how the stunning and adorable linings and stitching on a ceramic bowl, then you’d appreciate what the ceramic nail drill bit can be used to achieve.

The ceramic nail drill is a relatively cheap tool for achieving the required aesthetics of a porcelain stitching. It serves perfectly for the purpose as the drill bits leave clean and creative lines on the surface. It is one tool every potter would like to have as it gives those unique features and creative pattern to the ceramic product. 


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